
The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead: Season One is out now on all platforms. Find out more here

My role on the Walking Dead: Season One was to design and build the user interface. The process began with typical UX stuff (wireframes, user flows) and quickly moved into the production of graphics and animations. Once everything was implemented we began the process of ensuring the UI worked (and looked great) on every available platform. 

As a treat I was asked to help provide some voice acting work. Nothing serious, mind you, just some zombie groaning and loud shrieking.

Check out the front-end UI in this video:

Save slots:
Episode selection:

Choice statistics:
Choose a 'playstyle'. This feature allows the user to customize their UI experience:
Confirmation modal:
Pause menu:
Audio settings:
Xbox 360 controller screen:
Playstation 3 controller screen:
How to play:
Here is the marketplace/store screen that I created to allow players to buy future episodes:Here are some shots of the HUD:

The 'struggle' quick time event/mini-game:

Of course, no zombie game would be complete without a gory death screen: